Economic Research Impact Awards 2024.

Driving Global Research Excellence.

Welcome to the Economic Research Impact Awards, a prestigious recognition program from the Institute for Economic Resilience. Our initiative seeks to honor and celebrate the pioneering efforts of academics and thinkers who are at the forefront of research in organizational behavior, accounting, econometrics, artificial intelligence (AI), and sustainability. This initiative underscores our commitment to acknowledging those who are not only advancing their respective fields but also contributing significantly to our understanding of complex economic systems and their impact on global resilience and sustainability.

About the Awards


The Economic Research Impact Awards are dedicated to highlighting exceptional research that pushes the boundaries of knowledge and practice. By focusing on critical areas such as organizational behavior, accounting, econometrics, AI, and sustainability, we aim to shed light on works that provide insightful analyses, innovative methodologies, and practical solutions to economic challenges. These awards recognize the creativity, rigor, and potential of research to influence policy, shape future studies, and drive systemic change in our economic systems.


We are grateful for the overwhelming interest and participation in the Economic Research Impact Awards this year. The nomination and submission process for the awards closed on February 16th, 2024. We extend our sincere thanks to all the scholars, institutions, and organizations who took the time to submit their work for consideration. The selection process is now underway, with our panel of experts diligently reviewing each submission to identify the research that best embodies the spirit and criteria of the awards.

Key Dates

As the review process progresses, we are excited to move closer to the highlight of this initiative—the announcement of the winners. We anticipate publicly announcing the winners of the Economic Research Impact Awards by early May. This announcement will not only celebrate the outstanding contributions of the winners but also spotlight the cutting-edge research that is set to shape the future of economics.

Stay in Touch

In the lead-up to the announcement, we invite you to stay connected with the Institute for Economic Resilience. Through our website and social media channels, we will share updates, insights, and highlights from the awards process, as well as further information on how the winning research is making an impact. We also encourage you to engage with our broader initiatives and programs, all designed to foster economic resilience and sustainability on a global scale.

The Economic Research Impact Awards are more than just an accolade; they are a testament to the power of research in driving meaningful change. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of this year's winners and continuing to support groundbreaking work in the field of economics.